ルシウス・モドゥストゥス(hiroki)ランチに海鮮丼(1080円)を食べました。 インスタ映え狙いか、どんぶりが思ったより小さいです。でも、ご飯大盛り無料で、深さもあるので量は充分です。 この日の魚はハマチが中心で、エビ、タコ、サーモン、タ...ランチに海鮮丼(1080円)を食べました。
(Translated by Google)
I had seafood bowl (1080 yen) for lunch.
The bowl is smaller than I expected, probably because it's meant to be Instagrammable. However, a large serving of rice is free, and it's deep enough that the amount is sufficient.
The fish of the day was mainly yellowtail, but there was also a wide variety of shrimp, octopus, salmon, and cod roe. Dashi soup is placed at your seat, and you can make seafood chazuke. However, the fish tastes better raw, so I think it's better to just use the leftover rice.
Something worth mentioning is the sardine tempura that for some reason is on the seafood bowl. Whether it's because the fish is fresh or because it's perfectly fried, it's insanely delicious. wonderful.
I didn't realize it, but I was told that the soup can be refilled. I will order it next time. Thank you for the meal. -
たなかなた3度利用しましたが、手袋をした上で食券、お金、備品を扱いその流れで刺身の盛り付けをする所は驚きました 気にしない方にはとてもおすすめできます (Translated by Google) I've used it three times, and I wa...3度利用しましたが、手袋をした上で食券、お金、備品を扱いその流れで刺身の盛り付けをする所は驚きました
(Translated by Google)
I've used it three times, and I was amazed at how they handle food tickets, money, and supplies while wearing gloves, and arrange the sashimi accordingly.
Highly recommended for those who don't mind -
ハムハムレビュー例: 先日、こちらのお店に訪れました。店内に入ると、寿司屋さんを思わせる落ち着いた雰囲気が広がっており、とても居心地が良かったです。お店の外には分かりやすいメニューの掲示があり、初めて訪れ...レビュー例:
1. まずは醤油とわさびで海鮮丼としていただき、新鮮な素材の味を堪能。
2. 次に、テーブルに設置されているダシをかけて、お茶漬けのようにして味わうスタイルに変更。
3. 最後は天ぷらをほぐして混ぜ合わせ、天ぷらの旨味が広がる贅沢な一口を楽しみました。
(Translated by Google)
Review example:
I visited this store the other day. When I entered the restaurant, I was greeted by a calm atmosphere reminiscent of a sushi restaurant, which made me feel very comfortable. There is an easy-to-understand menu posted outside the restaurant, and I felt that it was friendly to first-time visitors.
After much deliberation, I ordered the restaurant's recommended seafood bowl. The dish was colorful and beautiful, with scallops, tuna, sea bream, yellowtail, salmon, and mentaiko (the contents seem to change daily). It also came with fish tempura, which was a luxurious meal.
There were instructions on how to enjoy the seafood bowl on the counter, so I tried it according to the instructions.
1. First, enjoy the taste of fresh ingredients by having it as a seafood bowl with soy sauce and wasabi.
2. Next, add the dashi stock provided at the table and change the style to enjoy it like ochazuke.
3. At the end, we loosened up the tempura and mixed it together, enjoying a luxurious bite that spreads the flavor of tempura.
With these ways of eating, I was able to enjoy different flavors of the same menu over and over again, and it was very satisfying.
Additionally, the meal tickets were purchased from a ticket vending machine, and the ordering process was smooth and gave a good impression. I would definitely like to visit next time!
★★★★★ -
T K魚が少し硬く、エビは少し臭みがありました 出汁が美味しく、丼の後半は出汁茶漬けみたいにして頂くと美味しいです。 (Translated by Google) The fish was a little hard and the shrimp had a bit of a smell....魚が少し硬く、エビは少し臭みがありました
(Translated by Google)
The fish was a little hard and the shrimp had a bit of a smell.
The dashi soup is delicious, and the second half of the bowl is delicious when served like dashi chazuke. -
hyunmo Kim1090엔에 이정도로 맛있게 카이센동,텐동을 즐길 수 있다니 정말 행복한 한끼 였습니다. 인스타 맛집보다 훨씬 즐거운 식사 시간이였습니다. (Translated by Google) It was a truly happy meal to be able to en...1090엔에 이정도로 맛있게 카이센동,텐동을 즐길 수 있다니 정말 행복한 한끼 였습니다. 인스타 맛집보다 훨씬 즐거운 식사 시간이였습니다. (Translated by Google) It was a truly happy meal to be able to enjoy such delicious kaisendon and tendon for just 1,090 yen. It was a much more enjoyable meal than at an Instagram restaurant.
yasuko Demizz盛りだくさんのネタを、このご時世に、この価格で提供してもらえるなんて、驚きです。 店内はカウンターのみで狭く、さっと食べて退店する雰囲気のお店です。 食べ終わったおわんも、自分でカウンター越しに店員...盛りだくさんのネタを、このご時世に、この価格で提供してもらえるなんて、驚きです。
(Translated by Google)
It's amazing that they can offer so many different items at this price in this day and age.
The inside of the store is small, with only a counter, and it's an atmosphere where you can eat quickly and then leave.
When I finished eating, I handed the bowl over the counter to the waiter.
I went there around 12:00 on a Saturday in November, and there were no seats left, so there was no wait!
There were too many types of toppings, and our seafood bowl didn't have tempura on it, so I self-reported that there was no tempura.
Mr. Itamae, I'm sure you're busy, but please be careful not to forget to pick up your food!
I ate it all at once, and there was no sashimi to taste with the dashi soup, so I could only eat the tempura with the dashi soup. The soup stock was delicious~
Next time I want to add some soup before I eat too much! -
2003 chiikoreどんぶりから溢れる海鮮丼の写真を見て食べに行きました。現地で天丼と悩みに悩んで海鮮丼の方を注文。出てきたサイズを見てびっくり。 お茶碗小さい💦 ま、お値段から考えると…ですね。 味は確かに美味しかったで...どんぶりから溢れる海鮮丼の写真を見て食べに行きました。現地で天丼と悩みに悩んで海鮮丼の方を注文。出てきたサイズを見てびっくり。
(Translated by Google)
I saw a photo of the seafood bowl overflowing from the bowl and went to eat it. I was having trouble deciding on a tempura bowl locally, so I ordered a seafood bowl. I was surprised when I saw the size.
The bowl is small💦
Well, considering the price...
The taste was definitely delicious.
With this size, I could have added a tempura bowl as well.
I didn't have much time, so I quit.
There may not be a repeat. -
佐藤のえる持ち帰りで天丼を買ったのですが、海老が1匹しか入っておらず、代わりに魚がいっぱい入っていました。鯛天丼と間違われたのでしょうか。 マダイの天ぷら自体は身が厚く食べ応えがあり美味しかったですが、海老の...持ち帰りで天丼を買ったのですが、海老が1匹しか入っておらず、代わりに魚がいっぱい入っていました。鯛天丼と間違われたのでしょうか。
(Translated by Google)
I bought a tempura bowl to take home, but it only had one shrimp in it, and instead had a lot of fish in it. Was it mistaken for tai tempura bowl?
The red sea bream tempura itself was thick and filling and delicious, but I wanted to try the shrimp tempura...
Also, there's no sauce on the rice at all, so I'd appreciate it if you could put a little more on it or add some extra sauce. -
速水英城(伊丹のおくりびと)コスパ最高!美味しさ最高!次回は漬け丼?天丼? リピート確定です♪ (Translated by Google) Great cost performance! The taste is the best! Next time maybe pickled rice bowl? Tendon? Repeat is confirmed ♪コスパ最高!美味しさ最高!次回は漬け丼?天丼?
(Translated by Google)
Great cost performance! The taste is the best! Next time maybe pickled rice bowl? Tendon?
Repeat is confirmed ♪ -
Star Man한국인들은 한번 가보세요. 친절하네요. 현지인들만 있는것 같아 보였어요. 1090엔 카이센동, 1090엔 텐동을 시켜먹어보았습니다. 반정도의 양은 간장에 찍어 먹고, 나머지는 옆에 있는 소스를 밥에 부어서 비벼...한국인들은 한번 가보세요. 친절하네요. 현지인들만 있는것 같아 보였어요. 1090엔 카이센동, 1090엔 텐동을 시켜먹어보았습니다. 반정도의 양은 간장에 찍어 먹고, 나머지는 옆에 있는 소스를 밥에 부어서 비벼먹습니다. 밥과 국물은 리필이 됩니다. 맛있게 즐겨보세요~^^ (Translated by Google) Koreans, please go there. That's kind of you. It seemed like only locals were there. I tried the 1,090 yen Kaisendon and the 1,090 yen Tendon. Eat about half of the dish by dipping it in soy sauce, and pour the sauce on the side over the rice and mix it together. Rice and soup are refillable. Enjoy it~^^
西本哲史美味しかったです。ご馳走様でした。 (Translated by Google) It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.美味しかったです。ご馳走様でした。
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious. Thank you for the meal. -
Kiminaボリューム満点でおいしかったです。 (Translated by Google) It was very filling and delicious.ボリューム満点でおいしかったです。
(Translated by Google)
It was very filling and delicious. -
内藤歩夢美味しかったです! (Translated by Google) It was delicious!美味しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious! -
masahito arinobe
ネギトロ(negitoro)三ノ宮のど真ん中で、安くて美味しい海鮮丼が食べられるお店です。お昼時は混雑しますが、回転は早め。あら汁は飲み放題です(もちろんシェア禁止!) (Translated by Google) This is a restaurant where you can...三ノ宮のど真ん中で、安くて美味しい海鮮丼が食べられるお店です。お昼時は混雑しますが、回転は早め。あら汁は飲み放題です(もちろんシェア禁止!)
(Translated by Google)
This is a restaurant where you can eat cheap and delicious seafood bowl in the middle of Sannomiya. It gets crowded at lunchtime, but the rotation is quick. You can drink as much soup as you like (of course, sharing is prohibited!) -
yena 3
george yoshidaお昼時に行ったので店の外で30分程待ちました。 丼は小ぶりですので足りないか?と思ったが指定の食べ方ですと結構お腹は膨れました。 並んでまで食べるかどうかは別だが1000円でお釣りが来るなら満足かな。。。 ...お昼時に行ったので店の外で30分程待ちました。
(Translated by Google)
I went at lunchtime, so I waited outside the store for about 30 minutes.
The bowl was small, so I thought it wouldn't be enough, but when I ate it the way I specified, I was pretty full.
It doesn't matter if you wait in line to eat it or not, but if you get change for 1000 yen, I'm satisfied. . .
Thank you for the reply from the store. Thank you for taking care of my forgotten items. -
みやん見た目ほど具は多くない。そのままの次は出汁で?その頃には刺身残ってなかった。 ご飯おかわり自由ってご飯だけ食べてもな。夜は刺身定食があるらしいがそっちにすれば良かった (Translated by Google) There a...見た目ほど具は多くない。そのままの次は出汁で?その頃には刺身残ってなかった。 ご飯おかわり自由ってご飯だけ食べてもな。夜は刺身定食があるらしいがそっちにすれば良かった
(Translated by Google)
There aren't as many ingredients as it looks. How about using soup stock next time? By that time, there was no sashimi left. Even if you only eat rice, you can get a second helping of rice. Apparently there is a sashimi set meal at night, but I should have gone for that. -
こんたなんと言ってもコスパが凄い。 10年前の価格だったとしても、それでも安い。 器は小ぶりかもしれませんが、ご飯がおかわり自由なので実質大きな器と変わりません。 ネタも山盛りです。 味も文句無く美味しくて...なんと言ってもコスパが凄い。
(Translated by Google)
After all, the cost performance is amazing.
Even if the price was 10 years ago, it's still cheap.
The bowl may be small, but since you can refill the rice as much as you want, it's essentially the same as a larger bowl.
There are also a lot of topics.
The taste was absolutely delicious, and I was lucky to be able to stop by on a weekday.
I would like to stop by again when I'm in the area. -
T I1000円以下でこのボリューム凄いです!旦那も大絶賛⭐︎ ユッケ丼イカなど色々な具あり、天ぷらもサクサク。〆に冷だし茶漬け、最高です! コスパ最高すぎる。 (Translated by Google) This volume is amazing for...1000円以下でこのボリューム凄いです!旦那も大絶賛⭐︎
(Translated by Google)
This volume is amazing for less than 1000 yen! My husband also praises it ⭐︎
There are various toppings such as yukke rice bowl and squid, and the tempura is also crispy. The cold dashi chazuke to finish it off is the best!
The cost performance is too great. -
田中ぬぬ。看板で見たほどの特盛感はないかも でもご飯たっぷりで米も汁もおかわり無料 食べ盛りの学生さんにもピッタリ! 女性1人でも行きやすそうなので 今度は1人で行ってみようかな (Translated by Google) It may not...看板で見たほどの特盛感はないかも
(Translated by Google)
It may not be as special as it looks on the signboard.
But there's plenty of rice and you get free refills for both rice and soup.
Perfect for students with big appetites!
Looks like it would be easy for a woman to go alone.
Maybe I'll try going alone next time. -
steven t
t2 xx
Tetsuya Miwa海鮮丼の鯛茶漬けが最高!海鮮なしでも、ごはん何杯もおかわりできそうです。 (Translated by Google) Sea bream chazuke in seafood bowl is the best! Even without seafood, you can easily refill several b...海鮮丼の鯛茶漬けが最高!海鮮なしでも、ごはん何杯もおかわりできそうです。
(Translated by Google)
Sea bream chazuke in seafood bowl is the best! Even without seafood, you can easily refill several bowls of rice. -
(Translated by Google)
Considering the price, it was very luxurious and good. Every item was delicious. In addition, you can order another 250 yen Ara soup. It's also delicious with koji miso. You can also use the bowl as a substitute for rice, so you can enjoy the deliciousness of the rice later.
Basically, the cost performance of the meal is good, so perhaps I shouldn't have high expectations, but there were grains of rice on the table that the person in front of me must have spilled, and there was a dirty duster on the table. I was concerned about the hygiene of this desk as a place to eat. There is also an atmosphere where it is difficult to ask for a second helping of soup or rice. -
しゃんしゃんおコメが食べたくて歩き回ってたどり着きました TVでも取材されたことがあるみたいです こちらのオススメは海鮮丼! 夜だと刺身定食があります 一緒に行った人が海鮮丼を選んだので、天丼を頼みました ちなみに...おコメが食べたくて歩き回ってたどり着きました
(Translated by Google)
I wanted to eat rice so I walked around and found it.
It seems that he has been interviewed on TV.
We recommend this seafood bowl!
At night, there is a sashimi set meal.
The person I went with chose the seafood bowl, so I ordered the tempura bowl.
By the way, the store only has a counter, so when you enter, you will be prompted to buy a meal ticket, and you will be guided to take a seat starting from the back.
Gari, soy sauce, tempura sauce, and Ochazuke soup stock on the table? is placed
Both the tempura bowl and the seafood bowl are generously sized and tall, with scallop shells supporting the rice so it doesn't fall apart.
Apparently, this scallop is served with sashimi or tempura rice bowl.
If you get tired of the taste, you can also use it as tencha, which turns it into a delicious rice bowl twice.
This is 990 yen
You can get a second helping of rice and it's cheap. -
komu com前から気になっていた 神戸三宮駅そばのお店です✨ どんぶりに 具材がはみ出す感じが とても食欲を そそります(-ω☆)キラリ 貝は新鮮で とても美味しかったです✨ 魚の刺し身も 新鮮で 美味しかったです✨ (Translated ...前から気になっていた
(Translated by Google)
I've been curious about it for a while
This is a shop near Kobe Sannomiya Station✨
In a bowl
It feels like the ingredients are sticking out.
very hungry
It’s tempting (-ω☆) Kirari
the shellfish are fresh
It was very delicious✨
Fish sashimi too
fresh and
It was delicious✨ -
ゆゆゆお手頃に海鮮丼食べれる。 (Translated by Google) You can eat seafood bowl at a reasonable price.お手頃に海鮮丼食べれる。
(Translated by Google)
You can eat seafood bowl at a reasonable price. -
寒太朗ランチで海鮮丼、天丼をよく食べてます。ご飯おかわりと鯛だし無料で、2杯目を鯛だし茶漬けにして980円。非常にお得ですよ! (Translated by Google) I often eat seafood bowls and tempura bowls for lunch. R...ランチで海鮮丼、天丼をよく食べてます。ご飯おかわりと鯛だし無料で、2杯目を鯛だし茶漬けにして980円。非常にお得ですよ!
(Translated by Google)
I often eat seafood bowls and tempura bowls for lunch. Refills of rice and sea bream soup are free, and a second bowl of sea bream soup and chazuke costs 980 yen. It's a great deal! -
井上智史(いのうえともじ)海鮮丼とても美味しかったです。 味変も出来てよかったです。 (Translated by Google) The seafood bowl was very delicious. It was nice to be able to change the taste.海鮮丼とても美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
The seafood bowl was very delicious.
It was nice to be able to change the taste. -
ランチスポットライト海鮮丼と あら汁を頂きました! たっぷりの海鮮で見た目も 映える 新鮮なのがわかる 美味しさ どんぶり次郎本店は、神戸三宮(阪神)にある海鮮丼の専門店です。こちらのお店は、コスパ抜群でボリューム満点の海...海鮮丼と あら汁を頂きました!
映える 新鮮なのがわかる
- **住所**: 兵庫県神戸市中央区小野柄通5丁目1-10 IFFビル 1F
- **営業時間**: 月曜日から土曜日の11:00 - 15:00(L.O. 14:40)と17:00 - 20:00(L.O. 19:40)
- **定休日**: 日曜日
- **ジャンル**: 海鮮丼、天ぷら
- **予算**: ¥1,000~¥1,999(~¥999もあり)
- **テイクアウト**: 海鮮丼や魚の天ぷらなど、4種類のどんぶりがテイクアウトできます
もし行かれる際は、おいしい海鮮丼を楽しんでくださいね。 🍣🦐
(Translated by Google)
I had the seafood bowl and soup!
Looks great with plenty of seafood
It looks fresh and looks fresh.
Donburi Jiro Honten is a seafood bowl specialty store located in Kobe Sannomiya (Hanshin). This restaurant is proud of its seafood bowls, which are extremely cost-effective and full of volume. Details are below.
- **Address**: IFF Building 1F, 5-1-10 Onogaradori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture
- **Business hours**: Monday to Saturday 11:00 - 15:00 (L.O. 14:40) and 17:00 - 20:00 (L.O. 19:40)
- **Closed**: Sunday
- **Genre**: Seafood bowl, tempura
- **Budget**: ¥1,000 ~ ¥1,999 (~¥999 also available)
- **Takeout**: 4 types of rice bowls are available for takeout, including seafood bowl and fish tempura.
Donburi Jiro main store uses only natural fish born and raised in the natural ocean, and does not use farmed fish. Wild fish that have firm flesh and are raised on a variety of foods have a strong flavor and aroma. They seem to offer seasonal delicacies that can be enjoyed every season. Be sure to try our special seafood bowl!
If you go, please enjoy the delicious seafood bowl. 🍣🦐 -
Wing Demon海鮮丼很上鏡也好吃 買完食卷後交給店員 店內服務氛圍很好 炸魚刺很多要小心 (Translated by Google) The seafood donburi is photogenic and delicious After buying the food roll, give it to the clerk The s...海鮮丼很上鏡也好吃
炸魚刺很多要小心 (Translated by Google) The seafood donburi is photogenic and delicious
After buying the food roll, give it to the clerk
The service atmosphere in the store is very good
Be careful as there are many fried fish bones
kaz2024.5.27.(月) 12:30に到着し4組ほど並んでいました。少し様子見で待ってみると回転は早いようで30分以内に入店。 着席すると券売機でメニューを発券し着席した順に丼を盛り付けてくれます。海鮮丼990円を注文...2024.5.27.(月)
(Translated by Google)
2024.5.27. (Monday)
We arrived at 12:30 and there were about 4 groups in line. When I waited a while to see how things were going, it seemed like the turnover was fast and I was in the store within 30 minutes.
Once you are seated, a ticket vending machine will issue you with a menu and the bowls will be served in the order in which you are seated. I ordered a seafood bowl for 990 yen. It was served in 5-10 minutes and the rice was a little cold.
I avoided the scallop shell and one piece of tempura and the seafood that got in the way and proceeded to eat it with rice.
I think the seafood is very fresh. The soy sauce wasn't too spicy and it tasted better with a good amount of it. It has a lot of ingredients and is very filling!
The recommended dashi chazuke was disappointing as the soup was slimy and didn't taste good.
I finished the tenchazuke, had a little extra rice (it was warm), and had tempura and the special delicious sauce. The delicious sauce and tempura go well together, so you don't have to make it into chazuke!
I ordered extra soup because it was an extra charge (250 yen). I only had a second helping of soup, but the second one was piping hot and delicious.
While waiting outside, there were several people smoking under the eaves across the street. If you don't like the smell of cigarettes, we recommend that you take measures such as wearing a mask.
Also, although there was no line behind us, there were 23 people waiting while we were eating! I felt like I was being rushed a little.
I would like to return if they improve the sea bream soup and chazuke...but if you get a second helping of piping hot rice, the meal will be more than worth the price. -
hiroppi188海鮮丼とアラ汁をいただきました。海鮮丼、一目、小ぶりかな、と思ったのですが食べ応え十分でした。海鮮の種類は多くて新鮮。出汁茶漬けも美味しくいただきました。次回はマグロ丼にしようかな。 (Translated b...海鮮丼とアラ汁をいただきました。海鮮丼、一目、小ぶりかな、と思ったのですが食べ応え十分でした。海鮮の種類は多くて新鮮。出汁茶漬けも美味しくいただきました。次回はマグロ丼にしようかな。
(Translated by Google)
I had seafood bowl and arajiru soup. At first glance, I thought the seafood bowl would be small, but it was more than filling. There are many types of seafood and they are fresh. The dashi chazuke was also delicious. I think I'll try the tuna bowl next time. -
H Hiro前から来たかったこのお店! かなり宣伝されていたので、来て良かった! 海鮮丼を味変3回して楽しめてランチでした! (Translated by Google) I've wanted to come to this store for a long time! It was highly...前から来たかったこのお店!
(Translated by Google)
I've wanted to come to this store for a long time!
It was highly advertised so I'm glad I came!
I enjoyed the seafood bowl with three different flavors for lunch! -
海底都市豪華な海鮮丼が990円。 ご飯お代わり自由で、あら汁もお代わり自由でした。 (Translated by Google) A luxurious seafood bowl costs 990 yen. You could get any refills of rice, and you could also get any ...豪華な海鮮丼が990円。
(Translated by Google)
A luxurious seafood bowl costs 990 yen.
You could get any refills of rice, and you could also get any refills of soup. -
大阪グルメショー今回頂いたのが、、、、、、、、、、 ・海鮮丼 990円→期間限定550円(超価格破壊!!) ・あら汁 250円 980円でもかなりヤバいのに更に550円て凄いですね(笑) いい意味で頭おかしいと思います(笑) ガチ...今回頂いたのが、、、、、、、、、、
・あら汁 250円
(Translated by Google)
What I received this time is...
・Seafood bowl
990 yen → 550 yen for a limited time (Super price break!!)
・Ara soup 250 yen
980 yen is pretty crazy, but 550 yen is even more amazing (lol)
I think it's crazy in a good way (lol)
It's so popular that a new 3rd store will open today, May 14th! !
The location is in front of City Tower Kobe in Sannomiya, Kobe♪
To celebrate the opening, we will be holding a 550 yen seafood bowl sale for 3 days only, so be sure to check it out!
I also like seafood bowls, and I was really impressed by how big each piece of sashimi was!
As someone who graduated from a sea school, I can't ignore this amazing seafood seafood bowl!
You can go alone, or you can go with someone and have a lively discussion about seafood.
So please come and enjoy seafood bowl in Kobe Sannomiya! !
Thank you for your courteous service and wonderful food today! !
Thank you for reading until the end♪ -
たかみん食券で買うスタイルです。 以下の品を頂きました。 ______________________________ ・海鮮丼 990円 ・あら汁 250円 ______________________________ 10分未満で提供。 入ってる具材はおそらく ・海老 ・〆さ...食券で買うスタイルです。
・海鮮丼 990円
・あら汁 250円
①そのまま ②出汁茶漬け ③天丼
(Translated by Google)
It's a style that you buy with a meal ticket.
I received the following items.
・Seafood bowl 990 yen
・Ara soup 250 yen
Served in less than 10 minutes.
The ingredients in it are probably
・Saba mackerel
·sea bream
·Spanish mackerel
・Sardine tempura
9 types! The rice used is Shinmei.
The rice is slightly warm🍚
And best of all, refills are free!
All the ingredients are fresh and the scallops are really sweet ✨✨
The sea bream had firm flesh, the octopus was crunchy yet tender, and the mackerel had seared skin, making it even more delicious due to the careful attention to detail.
The horse mackerel was also very fatty, and the type of fish used changes depending on the season.
It's delicious enough to be eaten as a seafood bowl, but
This bowl can be enjoyed three times.
① As is ② Dashi Chazuke ③ Tendon
You can taste it at
There is a soup stock for sea bream chazuke on the table, so we recommend eating it for a while before adding another flavor!
This is really delicious!
You can feel the gentle sea bream soup stock and the aroma of sesame seeds.
Personally, I prefer to eat here, and the delicious soup stock is so delicious that you can drink as much as you want.
Finally, place the sardine tempura that you have removed in advance on top of the rice, and add the special tempura sauce on the table to complete the tempura bowl.
It's crunchy and the sweet sauce is very delicious.
The miso soup is mixed with white miso and has a rich but gentle taste with the flavor of fish oozing out.
It has plenty of meat and is plump and soft. There are so many places to eat, so 250 yen is a real bargain.
Both the rice bowl and the soup were extremely satisfying and I thought it was a great value for money! -
A M (目)インスタで拝見し 惹かれました。 お刺身好きには、たまらない ボリュームあるどんぶりでした。 (Translated by Google) I saw it on Instagram and was drawn to it. Irresistible for sashimi lovers It was a...インスタで拝見し 惹かれました。
(Translated by Google)
I saw it on Instagram and was drawn to it.
Irresistible for sashimi lovers
It was a hearty bowl. -
(Translated by Google)
I received the Yukhoe bowl. It was delicious and the staff was very friendly. I also went to the Ikuta Shindo store and ordered a seafood bowl, but perhaps because I was there for the first time and was confused, the staff didn't have a good atmosphere, and at the end of the meal, they said, "Thank you for the meal," and they came out, but they said, "Yes. "Hello," he said bluntly. If you are going to the same place, the main store is better. -
maru san
hiro okamura知り合いに勧められて訪問 確かにコスパは凄く良いと考えます。 これだけの海鮮丼と天ぷらで990円 鮮度も甘海老だけは少し匂いが、 気になりましたがそれ以外は問題無し。 そのあとのおすすめの食べ方で、出汁茶...知り合いに勧められて訪問
(Translated by Google)
Visited at the recommendation of a friend
I certainly think the cost performance is very good.
All this seafood bowl and tempura for 990 yen
The freshness of sweet shrimp has a slight smell,
I was concerned, but other than that there are no problems.
The recommended way to eat after that was the dashi chazuke and tencha, which were delicious. -
Teruyuki Fujita
(Translated by Google)
This is the first time I have received it. As others have said, we started with tempura and a little bit of sashimi, then poured wasabi soy sauce over it. It's delicious. Honestly, even if you don't have to go all the way to Awaji Island to eat it, the seafood bowl here is better and more cost-effective.
Next, I'll replace a little rice with a sweet sauce and drizzle it over with soup stock.It's delicious and worth the price of 990 yen. -
中西太お値段に対してボリュームのある海鮮丼。 (Translated by Google) Seafood rice bowl with plenty of volume for the price.お値段に対してボリュームのある海鮮丼。
(Translated by Google)
Seafood rice bowl with plenty of volume for the price. -
rereボリューム満点で提供も早く満足です!! 海鮮丼がご飯おかわり自由で990円はコスパが良すぎる。あら汁もおかわり自由との事で、今回は注文しませんでしたが次回は頼もうと思います。また来ます😊 (Translated by...ボリューム満点で提供も早く満足です!!
(Translated by Google)
The volume is perfect and the delivery is quick and satisfying! !
The seafood bowl comes with free refills of rice and costs 990 yen, which is a great value for money. I didn't order any refills of the soup this time, but I think I'll order it next time. I will come again 😊 -
ma toランチで来店。 海鮮丼とあら汁を頼んで1240円と安くて美味しい。 ▼良かった点 ・お安く新鮮な海鮮丼が食べられます。 ・鯛のあら汁が美味しくて安い。 ▼悪かった点 ・カウンター席しかなく、席数も少ないので...ランチで来店。
(Translated by Google)
Visited for lunch.
I ordered seafood bowl and arajiru soup and it was cheap and delicious at 1240 yen.
▼Good points
・You can eat cheap and fresh seafood bowl.
・The sea bream soup is delicious and cheap.
▼Bad points
・There are only counter seats and there are not many seats, so there may be some waiting time. -
Katsuya (リソウのおやじ)一食で三度美味しい海鮮丼に出会いました。 2024年2月29日閏年の閏日、4年に1度の2月29日です。『どんぶり次郎』さん 神戸三宮駅を少し東へ行った小野柄通にあります。小雨の中13時半位に到着しましたが3組ほど...一食で三度美味しい海鮮丼に出会いました。
2024年2月29日閏年の閏日、4年に1度の2月29日です。『どんぶり次郎』さん 神戸三宮駅を少し東へ行った小野柄通にあります。小雨の中13時半位に到着しましたが3組ほどが入口の前に並んでおられました。店頭の看板にはお目当ての海鮮丼の他にもどんぶり勘定天丼やまぐろ漬け丼、海鮮ユッケ丼などもラインナップされていてどれも990円と1,000円でお釣りのくるリーズナブルさですね。
そうしてる間に私の番が来て店内券売機で食券を購入しホールスタッフさんに手渡し席へと案内されます。私はカウンターの一番奥に通され足元に荷物を入れるかごも用意されているので上着をそちらへ 卓上には調味料の他海鮮丼の食べ方指南など写真付きで解説されています。
(Translated by Google)
I encountered three delicious seafood bowls in one meal.
February 29, 2024 The leap day of a leap year is February 29, which occurs once every four years. ``Donburi Jiro'' is located on Onogaradori, a little east of Kobe Sannomiya Station. We arrived at around 1:30pm in a light rain, and there were about 3 groups lined up in front of the entrance. In addition to the seafood bowl you're looking for, the signboard at the store also has a lineup of donburi tempura bowls, tuna pickled rice bowls, and seafood yukke bowls, all of which are reasonably priced at 990 yen and 1,000 yen with change.
While I was doing that, my turn came and I bought a meal ticket from the in-store ticket vending machine, handed it over to the hall staff, and was guided to my seat. I went to the back of the counter and there was a basket at my feet to put my things in, so I put my jacket there.On the table, there was an explanation with pictures of the seasonings and instructions on how to eat the seafood bowl.
Finally, the seafood bowl appears in front of me.
I was once again impressed by the presentation, which exceeded my expectations.
What catches your eye is the scallop shell, with the green perilla leaves and seaweed in the background, and the shrimp with its head in the center, just like the birth of Venus ☆☆☆☆☆
It is quite difficult to know everything about how many types of fresh fish there are and what kind of fish they are!
There were two pieces each of white and red meat such as scallops, bonito, mackerel, and sea bream, as well as two pieces of firefly squid.
First, remove the shells from the scallops, temporarily evacuate some of the sea bream tempura and fillets, then melt the wasabi into purple pieces and pour it over the bowl to enjoy the seafood bowl. Natural live fish is fresh and delicious♪
This is my first seafood bowl, and I am very satisfied with it.Next, I get about half a second helping of rice, put sea bream tempura on top of the rice, and pour over the soup from the tempura on the table.This is also exquisitely delicious, and I am very satisfied for the second time.
Then, put the fish that had been sheltered on top of the scallop shells on top of the remaining rice, pour plenty of dashi for sea bream chazuke, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and serve seafood chazuke.
I have never experienced a seafood bowl that you can enjoy three times like Hitsumabushi.
I thought it would be a good idea to take a little time to visit, but it was a good restaurant that was well worth the wait in line.
Thank you for the meal.
It was very delicious. -
N Yamashita (やまのり)非常にリーズナブルに美味しい海鮮丼を食べれます♪ (Translated by Google) You can eat delicious seafood bowl at a very reasonable price♪非常にリーズナブルに美味しい海鮮丼を食べれます♪
(Translated by Google)
You can eat delicious seafood bowl at a very reasonable price♪ -
u poiuyおなか一杯になりました。出汁茶漬け良かったです。 (Translated by Google) My stomach is full. The dashi chazuke was good.おなか一杯になりました。出汁茶漬け良かったです。
(Translated by Google)
My stomach is full. The dashi chazuke was good. -
k kym土曜日のランチ、開店前から行列で、2巡目で来店。みなさん黙々と食べているので20分待ちで入れました。開店からマグロ丼は無しでした。鯛の天ぷらも用意できなかったとのことね、鰯の天ぷらに変更でした。想像し...土曜日のランチ、開店前から行列で、2巡目で来店。みなさん黙々と食べているので20分待ちで入れました。開店からマグロ丼は無しでした。鯛の天ぷらも用意できなかったとのことね、鰯の天ぷらに変更でした。想像していたよりはドンプリは小ぶりでしたが、刺身、ご飯の量は十分でした。
(Translated by Google)
On a Saturday lunch, there was a line before the store opened, so I came here on my second visit. Everyone was eating quietly, so I waited for 20 minutes to get in. There has been no tuna bowl since the store opened. I was told that sea bream tempura was not available, so I changed to sardine tempura. The donpuri was smaller than I expected, but the amount of sashimi and rice was sufficient.
You can also get a second helping of rice.
According to the information written on the signboard, it seems that they use fish from Awaji. -
hiroyoshi kazuo寿司めしの方が良いように思う。 (Translated by Google) I think sushi rice is better.寿司めしの方が良いように思う。
(Translated by Google)
I think sushi rice is better. -
沢庵黄色また行きます〜 (Translated by Google) I'll go again~また行きます〜
(Translated by Google)
I'll go again~ -
Tsuyo S.ご飯お替り無料、あら汁は250円ですが、お替り無料(シェア不可)です 〆は出汁茶漬けで満足です (Translated by Google) Refills of rice are free, soup is 250 yen, but refills are free (not shared) Finish ...ご飯お替り無料、あら汁は250円ですが、お替り無料(シェア不可)です
(Translated by Google)
Refills of rice are free, soup is 250 yen, but refills are free (not shared)
Finish off with dashi chazuke, which is satisfying. -
京阪神政府海鮮丼等が全品990円で格安。しかし品質はかなり良くて美味しい。決して安かろう悪かろうではない。〆用のお茶漬け用出汁があるのと、御飯おかわりも無料。 そのため混んではいるが、開店前から行けばすぐ入れた...海鮮丼等が全品990円で格安。しかし品質はかなり良くて美味しい。決して安かろう悪かろうではない。〆用のお茶漬け用出汁があるのと、御飯おかわりも無料。
(Translated by Google)
All seafood bowls and other items are cheap at 990 yen. But the quality is quite good and delicious. It's definitely not cheap or bad. There is a soup stock for ochazuke to finish the meal, and refills of rice are free.
As a result, it was crowded, but if you went before it opened, you could get in right away.
If it were in another big city, it would probably be full of inbound tourists. However, this place is full of Japanese people, so it's quiet and has a good atmosphere, which is probably a privilege of being a Kobe store. I would like to see them open stores in subcenter areas such as Rokkomichi in the future. Of course, the store will only be opened in Kobe city lol. -
DAIGO ICHINOHEどんぶりからはみ出す海鮮丼は迫力凄い。最後に鯛茶漬けで〆。 あら汁もお勧めです。 (Translated by Google) The seafood bowl jutting out from the bowl is impressive. Finally, finish off with sea bream ...どんぶりからはみ出す海鮮丼は迫力凄い。最後に鯛茶漬けで〆。
(Translated by Google)
The seafood bowl jutting out from the bowl is impressive. Finally, finish off with sea bream chazuke.
Ara soup is also recommended. -
小林三剛こちら、 天然魚のみを使用した、圧倒的なボリュームとリーズナブルさを兼ね備えた神コスパの海鮮丼で話題のお店。 オーダーした【海鮮丼】(990円)は、 えび・ハマチ・マグロ・サーモン・鯛天ぷらなど豪快で、...こちら、
(Translated by Google)
This restaurant is popular for its seafood bowls that are overwhelmingly filling and reasonably priced, using only wild fish.
The [Seafood bowl] (990 yen) that I ordered was
Shrimp, yellowtail, tuna, salmon, sea bream tempura, etc. are all exciting, and each of the ingredients is large.
They provide a generous 300 grams of rice to match the toppings, and if you don't have enough, you get free refills (>ω<)
First, remove the sea bream tempura onto a plate and enjoy the seafood bowl.
When the rice is running low, pour the sauce over the sea bream tempura and return it to the bowl. Pour the chazuke soup over the rice and serve as the sea bream dashi chazuke.
There are many attractive menus such as ``Tendon'' with large shrimp and sea bream tempura on top, ``Super delicious seafood yukke bowl'' with fresh seafood of the day finished with a delicious and spicy sauce, ``Tuna bowl'' with 200 grams of tuna, and ``Big sashimi set meal'' which is only available at night!
Ikuta Shindo store will also open on February 19th (Monday)! -
けいちゃんお店は狭いです。 刺し身定食を食べましたボリュームがあって良かったですがネタが薄いです。 あら汁は美味しかった、ご飯にあら汁はおかわり自由で良いです。 (Translated by Google) The store is small. I ha...お店は狭いです。
(Translated by Google)
The store is small.
I had the sashimi set meal. It was good and had a lot of volume, but the toppings were thin.
The arajiru soup was delicious, and you can get free refills of the arajiru soup with the rice. -
Shingo Mr.990円のランチで海鮮丼を。少し遅めに行っても20分くらい結構待った。出てきた海鮮丼は、お刺身盛りだくさん、鯛天ぷら付でコスパ高い。出汁茶漬け用の出汁もあり、おすすめの食べ方も書いてある。満足度の高い一...990円のランチで海鮮丼を。少し遅めに行っても20分くらい結構待った。出てきた海鮮丼は、お刺身盛りだくさん、鯛天ぷら付でコスパ高い。出汁茶漬け用の出汁もあり、おすすめの食べ方も書いてある。満足度の高い一品でした。
(Translated by Google)
Seafood bowl for lunch for 990 yen. Even though I went a little late, I still had to wait about 20 minutes. The seafood bowl that came out had a lot of sashimi and came with sea bream tempura, making it a good value. There is also a dashi stock for making dashi chazuke, and there are also recommended ways to eat it. It was a highly satisfying dish. -
prudence W
aaasaかなりお昼は、人気で並びますが、並ぶ価値ありです。コスパ最高です。 (Translated by Google) It's quite popular during lunch, so there is a line, but it's worth it. The cost performance is the best.かなりお昼は、人気で並びますが、並ぶ価値ありです。コスパ最高です。
(Translated by Google)
It's quite popular during lunch, so there is a line, but it's worth it. The cost performance is the best. -
AagitoyoAwaH tokotandes
wan baki2024年1月22日5時半頃に行きました。 三ノ宮駅から南東に少し歩いた場所です、ラウンドワンの東側を入ってすぐ。 券売機で食券購入、提供も早いと思います。 丼の器が小さ目でプラ、海鮮丼は陶器が美味...2024年1月22日5時半頃に行きました。
(Translated by Google)
I went on January 22, 2024 around 5:30.
It's a short walk southeast from Sannomiya Station, right after entering the east side of Round One.
I think it's quick to buy and serve meal tickets at the ticket vending machine.
I think the bowl bowl is small and plastic, and the seafood bowl tastes better in ceramic.
I was a little disappointed that the fish fillet was small and didn't come in like the picture in the store, but I wish the scallops were included.
If you eat shrimp with the shell on and the devein still attached, the moment you remove the shell and eat it, the sand from the devein will be in your mouth.You can leave the head still attached, but you don't need the shell and devein. I guess it's because it gets dirty and the one with the shell looks nice.
I wonder if the shrimp tempura still has its back side attached? Have a question?
It was a shame because I was looking forward to it.
It was really nice to be able to have a second helping of rice, and since there was soup stock, it was also nice to have it with Ochazuke at the end. -
Mercury Lynn好吃,店员很热情 (Translated by Google) Delicious, the staff is very friendly好吃,店员很热情 (Translated by Google) Delicious, the staff is very friendly
Chen RickVery delicious and fresh, good service!!!Very delicious and fresh, good service!!!
中西仁史食事は天丼を食べました、満足です、でも2〇分位ならびました! (Translated by Google) For my meal, I had Tendon, which was satisfying, but I waited in line for about 20 minutes!食事は天丼を食べました、満足です、でも2〇分位ならびました!
(Translated by Google)
For my meal, I had Tendon, which was satisfying, but I waited in line for about 20 minutes! -
けんちゃん三宮駅から南東側にある海鮮丼の店です。 海鮮丼、天丼、ユッケ丼のいずれも¥990と、大変リーズナブルです。 昼時は行列が出来ていますが、店に入って食券を買ってから丼が提供されるまでは数分程度と大変短いた...三宮駅から南東側にある海鮮丼の店です。
(Translated by Google)
This is a seafood bowl restaurant located on the southeast side of Sannomiya Station.
Seafood bowl, Tendon, and Yukhoe bowl all cost ¥990, which is very reasonable.
There is a line at lunchtime, but the wait from the time you enter the store and buy your ticket to the time your bowl is served is very short, only a few minutes, so I don't think the total waiting time is that long.
This time I ordered the seafood bowl ¥990. As you can imagine, there is an overflowing amount of seafood on top, but the rice is just as generous, and you can refill it, so if you're a big eater, you'll probably appreciate it.
All the seafood is fresh and delicious considering the price. The rice is not vinegared rice, but warm white rice, so tastes may differ here, but white rice is more convenient for the Tai Chazuke to finish the dish.
I would like to visit again when I want to eat seafood. -
神様、食べても太らない身体を下さいJR三ノ宮駅から東南、ラウンドワン三宮駅前店から東南にある海鮮専門店。 2023年10月23日OPEN。 全国津々浦々の旬の食材を取り入れ、コスパ抜群でボリュームたっぷり。 淡路島付近のお魚やお米キヌヒカリを使用...JR三ノ宮駅から東南、ラウンドワン三宮駅前店から東南にある海鮮専門店。
#三ノ宮グルメ #どんぶり次郎
#三ノ宮海鮮 #神戸市グルメ
#神戸海鮮 #刺身定食
#三宮海鮮 #三宮ランチ #三宮グルメ
#神戸ランチ #神戸グルメ
(Translated by Google)
A seafood specialty store located southeast of JR Sannomiya Station and southeast of Round One Sannomiya Ekimae store.
Opening October 23, 2023.
Incorporating seasonal ingredients from all over the country, the meals are extremely cost-effective and plentiful.
Made with fish from near Awaji Island and Kinuhikari rice.
Shiny like silk and goes great with seafood ♡
The highlight of the day is the new menu [Big serving! Sashimi set meal]
Limited to January 22nd (Monday) to January 27th (Saturday), ¥1480➡️1000!
⚠︎Available after 17:00.
Even though it's such a great deal, you get unlimited refills of the rice and soup.
Too good value! !
There are 13 types of toppings, and they seem to change every day.
We recommend finishing with dashi chazuke♡
Draft beer ¥380➡️300 all day from January 22nd (Monday) to January 27th (Saturday)!
[Big portion! Sashimi set meal ¥1480➡️1000]
◯Assorted sashimi
On this day, we had golden sea bream, kochi, yellowtail, tuna, salmon, sea bream, scallops, horse mackerel, sardines, rockfish, red shellfish, western shellfish, and red shrimp.
◯Small bowl
pickled jellyfish
◯Ara soup
#Sannomiya Gourmet #Donburi Jiro
#Sannomiya Seafood #Kobe City Gourmet
#Kobe Seafood #Sashimi Set Meal
#Sannomiya Seafood #Sannomiya Lunch #Sannomiya Gourmet
#Kobe lunch #Kobe gourmet
#I want to connect with people who love seafood
#I want to connect with people who like rice bowls -
BG SUボリューム的コスパは大変良く、盛り付けもキレイ。 しかしご飯の炊き上がりが極端に柔らかく出汁茶漬けとミスマッチ。 ご飯のおかわりを頼むとネタの上に熱々のご飯を乗せられて完全に火を通されました。 13席...ボリューム的コスパは大変良く、盛り付けもキレイ。
(Translated by Google)
The cost performance in terms of volume is very good, and the presentation is beautiful.
However, the rice was extremely soft and mismatched with the dashi chazuke.
When I asked for a refill of rice, the piping hot rice was placed on top of the toppings and was completely cooked.
With only 13 seats available, I wondered if it would be possible to provide a little more attentive service to the customers who lined up to enter. -
naokiめっちゃ旨かった! 海鮮丼を食しましたが、まず海鮮の量の多さに映えて目の保養になります笑 まず貝が刺さってるのでそちらを小皿がわりに海鮮をよけておきます、そうすると飯が見えてくるので、醤油をかけて...めっちゃ旨かった!
(Translated by Google)
It was so delicious!
I ate the seafood bowl, and first of all, it was a feast for the eyes because of the amount of seafood.
First, there's a shellfish stuck in it, so use that as a small plate to keep the seafood aside.Then you'll see the rice, so you can pour soy sauce on it and eat it.
The rice is regular rice, not vinegared rice. (Take-out is vinegared rice)
Set aside the sea bream tempura as well as the dashi chazuke.
Refills of rice are free, so as long as there is toppings available, you can get another.
But be sure to have some stomach room for dashi chazuke.
I was able to get a second helping of soup, so I was really full.
I don't think there is any other seafood bowl that can be eaten so deliciously at such a reasonable price.
I was very satisfied (^-^)
I would like to try the tempura bowl next time. -
トトロ先日一度お伺いしたくて行って見ました…パッと食べてパッと帰るには良いかと思います (Translated by Google) I went to see it the other day...I think it would be a good place to eat and go home.先日一度お伺いしたくて行って見ました…パッと食べてパッと帰るには良いかと思います
(Translated by Google)
I went to see it the other day...I think it would be a good place to eat and go home. -
A toC時間帯によっては並びます。 (Translated by Google) Depending on the time of day, there will be a queue.時間帯によっては並びます。
(Translated by Google)
Depending on the time of day, there will be a queue. -
かきぴーわさびTikTokで見て、美味しそうな海鮮丼を食べたくて行ってきました。 店内はほぼ満席状態が続いてる感じで回転率もかなり早く感じました。 食券を購入するタイプで、頼んでから5分もしないうちに出てきて提供速度の速...TikTokで見て、美味しそうな海鮮丼を食べたくて行ってきました。
(Translated by Google)
I saw it on TikTok and wanted to try some delicious seafood bowl so I went there.
The store seemed to be almost always full, and the turnover rate seemed to be quite fast.
It's the type of meal where you buy a meal ticket, and I was surprised at how fast it was served, and it came out within 5 minutes of ordering.
The seafood bowl had a lot of ingredients, and all of them were fresh and delicious 😋
I also had the ara soup, which also had a good dashi soup and was very delicious.
The sea bream chazuke at the end was also exquisite.
I would like to try other menu items next time. -
たむけむ海鮮丼の天ぷらがタイじゃない魚でした。 青物、エビ、美味しかったです。 あら汁、ご飯おかわり無料でこの値段はいいと思います。 あら汁は好み分かれると思います。 店員さんも丁寧に対応されていました。 (Tr...海鮮丼の天ぷらがタイじゃない魚でした。
(Translated by Google)
The tempura in the seafood bowl was a non-Thai fish.
The greens and shrimp were delicious.
I think this price is good as you get free refills of soup and rice.
I think people have different tastes about the soup.
The store staff were also courteous. -
FJマリオ今回初めて行きました。 入口、入った所に食券券売機が有って海鮮丼とアラ汁を海鮮丼はネタが新鮮で沢山入ってました。ご飯はおかわり無料締めに出し汁が置いて有るので刺身でお茶漬けが出来ました。 丼ぶりは全...今回初めて行きました。
(Translated by Google)
This was my first time going.
There was a ticket vending machine at the entrance, and the seafood bowl and arajiru soup had lots of fresh ingredients. There was a free refill of rice and dashi soup, so I was able to make ochazuke with sashimi.
All bowls were 990 yen. Ara soup is quite large at 250 yen.
Next time I go, I want to try the yukke bowl or tempura bowl.
There is a TIMES parking lot just ahead of the store. -
筒井貞視ごはんもあら汁もおかわりが出来てお腹いっぱいになりました。 (Translated by Google) I was able to get second helpings of rice and soup, so I was full.ごはんもあら汁もおかわりが出来てお腹いっぱいになりました。
(Translated by Google)
I was able to get second helpings of rice and soup, so I was full. -
(Translated by Google)
I think 990 yen is a good value as you can get a second helping of rice with any bowl. However, I don't mind it being a little more expensive, so I prefer the miso soup. It was my first time so I had the seafood bowl and it was delicious. I arrived before noon on a weekday and there were already 3 people waiting. -
ウインウイン初めてお伺いしました。 温かいご飯の海鮮丼。ネタがいいだけに個人的には冷たいご飯で食べたいかな🤔 最後の鯛出汁茶漬けはめっちゃいいですね。 美味しいですから😋 (Translated by Google) This is my first ti...初めてお伺いしました。
(Translated by Google)
This is my first time visiting you.
Seafood bowl with warm rice. Personally, I would like to eat it with cold rice since the toppings are good🤔
The last dish, the sea bream dashi chazuke, is really good.
Because it’s delicious 😋 -
toshi ake海鮮丼を食べましたがボリュームもすごくあり味も美味しかったです。 (Translated by Google) I had the seafood bowl and it was very filling and tasted delicious.海鮮丼を食べましたがボリュームもすごくあり味も美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
I had the seafood bowl and it was very filling and tasted delicious. -
n k友人と行きましたが、海鮮丼よりもユッケ等の方がいいかもしれません。 (多分海鮮丼の米は酢飯じゃないと思います。ユッケや天丼にも同じ米を使うからでしょうか。間違ってたらすみません) (Translated by Googl...友人と行きましたが、海鮮丼よりもユッケ等の方がいいかもしれません。
(Translated by Google)
I went with a friend, and I think Yukhoe would be better than seafood bowl.
(I think the rice in the seafood bowl is probably not vinegared rice. Maybe it's because the same rice is used for yukhoe and tempura bowl. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.) -
MINORU TAKASE海鮮丼はボリュームが多くてごはんはおかわりできるしシメの鯛天のだし茶漬けはとても美味しかった! 天丼も食べたけど海鮮丼の方が好きかなあ? 別売りのあら汁はおかわり自由で具もしっかり入っていてよかった...海鮮丼はボリュームが多くてごはんはおかわりできるしシメの鯛天のだし茶漬けはとても美味しかった!
(Translated by Google)
The seafood bowl was very filling and you could get a second helping of rice, and the sea bream tempura with dashi chazuke was very delicious!
I also tried the tempura bowl, but I think I prefer the seafood bowl.
I was glad that the separately sold Ara soup was refillable and had plenty of ingredients! -
nivla wong
亮マグロ漬け丼とあら汁を食べました 味は普通、最初に来たあら汁はぬるかった ご飯がお代わりできるからボリュームはある 並んでまでは………(笑) (Translated by Google) I ate tuna pickled rice bowl and ara s...マグロ漬け丼とあら汁を食べました
(Translated by Google)
I ate tuna pickled rice bowl and ara soup.
The taste was average, but the soup that came first was lukewarm.
It's filling because you can replace the rice.
Until we lined up... (lol) -
アバンこうきリーズナブルです (Translated by Google) It's reasonableリーズナブルです
(Translated by Google)
It's reasonable -
bluefeline040212/11初訪問、マグロ漬け丼と海鮮ユッケ丼をテイクアウトしました。 閉店30分前でしたが快く対応頂きありがとうございました。 どちらも大変美味しかったです。近所なので今後も利用させて頂きます。 (Translate...12/11初訪問、マグロ漬け丼と海鮮ユッケ丼をテイクアウトしました。
(Translated by Google)
First visit on December 11th, I took out the tuna pickled rice bowl and the seafood yukhoe bowl.
Thank you for your prompt response even though it was 30 minutes before closing.
Both were very delicious. Since it's nearby, I will continue to use it in the future. -
matsushita wataru
福永信子丼の貝殻が不用だな。 刺身が売りではあるけれど、インパクトはあまりなかったなぁ。次は天丼にしてみたい。 (Translated by Google) The shells in the bowl are unnecessary. Sashimi is the selling point, b...丼の貝殻が不用だな。
(Translated by Google)
The shells in the bowl are unnecessary.
Sashimi is the selling point, but it didn't have much of an impact. Next time I would like to try Tendon. -
masuyutaボリューム感はありました。 ホタテの貝殻が添えられていますが、ホタテは申し訳程度しかありませんでした。(笑) 作っている人の癖なのか鼻をすすったり、頭触ったりしてあまり衛生的には感じませんでした。 (...ボリューム感はありました。
(Translated by Google)
There was a sense of volume.
It comes with scallop shells, but the scallops were only mediocre. (lol)
Perhaps it was the habit of the person making it, but I was sniffling and touching my head, so it didn't feel very hygienic. -
ともゆき今回お店には4回目、お昼に天丼をいただきました。 海鮮丼が日によってお魚が変わるとありましたが、天丼はお店の前のポップにはエビ3匹に鯛が2切れとあったのに実際に出てきたのは青魚のお魚が3枚。 美味しかっ...今回お店には4回目、お昼に天丼をいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
This was my 4th time at the restaurant, and I had the tempura bowl for lunch.
It said that the fish in the seafood bowl changes depending on the day, but the tempura bowl had 3 shrimp and 2 pieces of sea bream in the pop-up in front of the store, but what actually came out was 3 pieces of blue fish. .
It was delicious, but I wish it had been written in a way that would make it easier for people to understand.
That was my only regret as the quantity and taste were good.
Next time, I would like to order the tuna pickled rice bowl, which will probably not be changed. -
シエン00メニューの種類は少な目です。 サッと入ってサッと出る感じのお店でした。 (Translated by Google) The variety on the menu is small. It was a shop where you could quickly enter and exit quickly.メニューの種類は少な目です。
(Translated by Google)
The variety on the menu is small.
It was a shop where you could quickly enter and exit quickly. -
Kenichi Iご褒美にいいですね (Translated by Google) Good for a rewardご褒美にいいですね
(Translated by Google)
Good for a reward -
nc750x honda
sakiko suzuki食べ物が美味しくても、待ってる人に背後で睨まれながら食べても美味しくない。 こんな気分を味わったのは初めて。 ボタンエビ出しといておしぼりも言わなきゃ出て来ないお店とか、あり得ない。しかも、ホール専...食べ物が美味しくても、待ってる人に背後で睨まれながら食べても美味しくない。
(Translated by Google)
Even if the food is delicious, it won't taste good if you eat it while the person waiting is staring at you from behind.
It's the first time I've felt this way.
There's no way there would be a restaurant that serves botan shrimp and doesn't come out unless you ask for a towel. What's more, there are people who specialize in halls, and there's only one floor and a counter.
I might come visit you if you hear the birds chirping. (That's the one I'll never go to again) -
qllHllpそもそもの話、海鮮丼のごはんは酢飯ちゃうの? 酢飯やと思ってたから、まず個人的にガッカリ。 あと、店の海鮮丼の写真は溢れるくらいの海鮮丼やけど、実物はそんな事もないで。 なぜか写真載せられへんねんけど...そもそもの話、海鮮丼のごはんは酢飯ちゃうの?
(Translated by Google)
First of all, is the rice in the seafood bowl served with vinegared rice?
Personally, I was disappointed because I thought it would be vinegared rice.
Also, the photo of the seafood bowl at the restaurant looks like it's overflowing, but the real thing isn't like that.
For some reason I can't post photos...
It doesn't feel like it's sticking out.
Next time I’ll make pickled rice bowl! -
山本亮太郎写真より気持ち小降りに💦 でも、三ノ宮でこのコスパなら 大満足💮でした。 ご馳走様でした( ´ ▽ ` )ノ (Translated by Google) It was raining less than the photo💦 But if you get this cost performance in San...写真より気持ち小降りに💦
ご馳走様でした( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
(Translated by Google)
It was raining less than the photo💦
But if you get this cost performance in Sannomiya
I was very satisfied💮.
Thank you for the meal ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ -
h s
mori mori海鮮丼を頼みました。ビジュアルはいいし、お魚もおいしかった。ホタテが殻の割に小さすぎたのが残念。(回転寿司にのってるくらいの大きさを想像してたので。。) 荷物は、足元にどうぞと言われたけど、ひっかけ...海鮮丼を頼みました。ビジュアルはいいし、お魚もおいしかった。ホタテが殻の割に小さすぎたのが残念。(回転寿司にのってるくらいの大きさを想像してたので。。)
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a seafood bowl. The visuals were nice and the fish was delicious. Unfortunately, the scallops were too small for their shells. (I was imagining the size of something on a conveyor belt sushi restaurant.)
I was told to put my luggage at my feet, but when I tried to put it there, there was no basket or basket. I guess the place I put my feet on was a shelf. . A person near me was eating with a bag on his lap, so I imitated him.
It looks like you can get a second helping of rice.
Also, the seafood bowl was finally made into Ochazuke.
I've written a lot about it, but if you can eat it for less than 1000 yen (990 yen), I'm very satisfied. -
タロペイ海鮮丼が食べたくて調べて行きました。 まだ開店間もない?のか店内はキレイでした。カウンター席のみで、丼ぶりメニューも3種類、回転重視の店舗です。 天丼は揚げたてで美味しかったです。 ごはんがおかわり自...海鮮丼が食べたくて調べて行きました。
(Translated by Google)
I wanted to eat seafood bowl, so I looked into it.
Has it just opened yet? The inside of the store was beautiful. This is a rotation-oriented restaurant with only counter seats and three types of rice bowl menus.
The tempura bowl was freshly fried and delicious.
You can enjoy unlimited refills of rice and Ochazuke soup, so you can enjoy Kaisendon → Ochazuke, Tendon → Ochazuke. It might be recommended for people who want to eat a lot. -
笠石賢太海鮮丼990円を注文。会計は食券制。 容器はやや小さくみえますが、ご飯おかわり無料で具沢山なのでボリューム満点。 お刺身はもちろん、最後に鯛の天ぷらで出汁茶漬けを作ると絶品。 是非おすすめです。 (Transl...海鮮丼990円を注文。会計は食券制。
(Translated by Google)
I ordered a seafood bowl for 990 yen. Accounting is based on meal tickets.
The container looks a little small, but the rice is free and there are plenty of ingredients, so it's filling.
Not only is it great for sashimi, but it's also delicious when you make dashi chazuke with sea bream tempura at the end.
Highly recommended. -
桔梗や〽990円とは思えない具沢山の海鮮丼に大満足。味噌汁も魚たっぷりで美味しい。 丼ものには珍しくご飯と味噌汁のお代わり可能。ご飯は酢飯ではなく白飯です。 (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with th...990円とは思えない具沢山の海鮮丼に大満足。味噌汁も魚たっぷりで美味しい。
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the seafood bowl, which had so many ingredients that I couldn't believe it was only 990 yen. The miso soup is also delicious with plenty of fish.
Unusually for rice bowls, you can substitute rice and miso soup. The rice is white rice, not vinegared rice. -
後場紀男早い安い美味いの上にボリュームもあってとても良い。 (Translated by Google) It's fast, cheap, delicious, and very filling.早い安い美味いの上にボリュームもあってとても良い。
(Translated by Google)
It's fast, cheap, delicious, and very filling. -
猫里ミツキ海鮮丼専門店です 具だくさんの海鮮丼が毎日魚が変わり何がでてくるか楽しみです ご飯はおかわりでき、ネタをお皿に取っておき丼を返します。 アラのお味噌汁もおいしいです 店内の券売機で食券を買ってください ...海鮮丼専門店です
(Translated by Google)
This is a seafood bowl specialty store.
I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of the seafood bowl with lots of ingredients as the fish changes every day.
You can refill the rice, put the toppings on a plate and return the bowl.
Ara's miso soup is also delicious.
Please buy a meal ticket from the ticket vending machine inside the store. -
K0t4r0初めて持ち帰りをしましたが、ネタの種類は豊富でした。 ただ、時間が夕方の営業開始のタイミングでの持ち帰りだったので、お昼の残りなのか米は保温後のような固まったご飯。 有頭海老は生臭く、鯛の天ぷらも骨...初めて持ち帰りをしましたが、ネタの種類は豊富でした。
(Translated by Google)
It was my first time taking takeout, and there was a wide variety of toppings.
However, since the time was for take-out at the time when business started in the evening, the rice was hardened, probably left over from lunch, as if it had been kept warm.
The shrimp with heads had a fishy smell, and the sea bream tempura had bones in it and looked like it had been fried for some time.
I was looking forward to being able to eat high-quality seafood bowls for 1000 yen near my workplace, so next time I will visit the restaurant directly. -
Yuji Uedaご飯は温かい白米、ガリはありました。 ネタはサーモン、小ぶりのホタテと、キハダマグロにイカ、鯛の天ぷらにカツオのような炙った赤身と鯛、エビでありました。 2杯目は出汁でお茶漬けできるようになってました...ご飯は温かい白米、ガリはありました。
(Translated by Google)
The rice was warm white rice and gari.
The toppings were salmon, small scallops, yellowfin tuna, squid, sea bream tempura, seared red meat like bonito, sea bream, and shrimp.
The second cup was able to be made with Ochazuke using dashi soup.
Well, it was delicious ♪ If it costs less than 1000 yen, I think it will become popular.
The miso soup was 250 yen and you could get any refills.
If there is space, I will visit again. Thank you for the meal. -
Ketsuko 0525オープン記念は人の行列がダメで 行けなかったのですが、990円であのクォリティの丼、250円の味噌汁はやばい。すごく満腹になったし、美味しいものを食べれて幸せです! お店も綺麗ですし、店員さんも愛想がいい...オープン記念は人の行列がダメで
(Translated by Google)
Don't wait in line to commemorate the opening.
I wasn't able to go, but the quality bowl for 990 yen and the miso soup for 250 yen are amazing. I was very full and happy to be able to eat delicious food!
The store was clean and the staff were friendly, so I felt comfortable! -
六本松景海鮮丼が990円の割には量が多くて美味しかった。けれど、隣が喫煙所で、お店のドアも開けっ放しなので、タバコの臭いと食事の味が混ざってしまって残念だった。 (Translated by Google) The seafood bowl was 99...海鮮丼が990円の割には量が多くて美味しかった。けれど、隣が喫煙所で、お店のドアも開けっ放しなので、タバコの臭いと食事の味が混ざってしまって残念だった。
(Translated by Google)
The seafood bowl was 990 yen, and the portion was large and delicious. However, there was a smoking area next door and the door of the restaurant was left open, so the smell of cigarettes mixed with the taste of the food, which was disappointing. -
CE LUオープンキッチン。商品に自信があるのでしょう。 今日はハマチが美味い。ネタは日替わりとのことですので明日が楽しみ。 シャリは酢飯ではなく白米。ダシ茶漬けすること前提。 お味噌汁は白味噌。鯛アラが入って...オープンキッチン。商品に自信があるのでしょう。
(Translated by Google)
Open kitchen. I guess they have confidence in the product.
Hamachi is delicious today. The topics change daily, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.
Shari is white rice, not vinegared rice. The premise is to make dashi chazuke.
Miso soup is white miso. It was a hit because it contained sea bream ara. So I added cold sake. -
(Translated by Google)
Immediately after the store opened, there were too many people at the open sale, so I visited on a weekday afternoon after the sale was over. Since it was a little after noon, there was no wait and we entered the store easily. Seafood bowl was still the only food on the menu, so I bought a ticket and sat down. The seafood bowl does not come with soup, so if you want it, you will need to purchase it separately. In terms of content, there are 9 types? The story and small sea bream? Tempura. The rice is slightly warm white rice. Depending on the item, the fillets may be smaller or more filling. The shrimp were small, but the miso didn't smell bad, and the rest didn't have a fishy smell either, so they were delicious. One thing that bothered me was the tube of wasabi paste on top of the mackerel. With this level of wasabi, I would like it to be served on a separate plate or left to the person who eats it on the table. Also, I don't think the scallop shells are necessary as they are just for decoration and appearance. But considering the price of 990 yen, I think it's a good deal. -
M Kアパホテルの隣に出来た。 海鮮丼はいわずもがな 味噌汁も必須!旨し! となりの細い兄ちゃんが2回もご飯おかわりしてたのだけが謎。これは行列確定やな (Translated by Google) It was built next to an APA h...アパホテルの隣に出来た。
(Translated by Google)
It was built next to an APA hotel.
The seafood bowl is amazing
Miso soup is also a must! Delicious!
The only mystery was that the slender older brother next to me had to refill his rice twice. This is a confirmed queue -
tsuyoshiコスパ良し (Translated by Google) Good cost performanceコスパ良し
(Translated by Google)
Good cost performance -
M K家族がテイクアウトしてくれ、開けてビックリ! 丼の上に色んな種類の魚の刺身が、しかも分厚いし、たくさん盛られてて美味しかったです! 他の方も書かれてましたが、990円でもお得やと思いました✨ (Translated...家族がテイクアウトしてくれ、開けてビックリ!
(Translated by Google)
My family brought me takeout and I was surprised when I opened it!
There were a lot of different kinds of fish sashimi on the bowl, and it was thick and delicious!
As other people have written, I thought it was a good deal even at 990 yen ✨ -
tsumugi Sキャンペーンで海鮮丼が550円ということでしたが、通常の990円でも破格のボリュームです。 しかもお刺身は大ぶりでとにかく美味しい。これから人気店になっていきそうです。後々マグロ丼や定食も出るそうで楽しみ...キャンペーンで海鮮丼が550円ということでしたが、通常の990円でも破格のボリュームです。
(Translated by Google)
As part of the campaign, the seafood bowl was priced at 550 yen, but even at the regular price of 990 yen, it was an exceptionally large portion.
Moreover, the sashimi is large and delicious. It looks like it will become a popular store from now on. I'm looking forward to having tuna bowls and set meals available later. -
しょうオープン5分前に着くと既に5.60人並んでいてお持ち帰りは売り切れでした お店の並びに路上喫煙スペースがあるので待つ間はタバコ臭いのを覚悟しておく必要がありす 店内に入り券売機で購入。お札は千円のみ対応な...オープン5分前に着くと既に5.60人並んでいてお持ち帰りは売り切れでした
(Translated by Google)
When I arrived 5 minutes before opening, there were already 5.60 people in line and the takeout was sold out.
There is a smoking area on the street next to the store, so be prepared for the smell of cigarettes while you wait.
Enter the store and purchase from the ticket vending machine. Please note that only 1,000 yen bills are accepted.
It was 12:45 when I told my sister it was a large serving and was able to sit down.
I was satisfied that I was able to eat this seafood bowl for 550 yen even after waiting for over an hour.
However, I don't mind mistakes like the wrong amount of rice or no miso soup.
Chinless brother's lack of motivation was noticeable.
The other staff members were nice and cheerful.
You'll be very busy until Saturday, but please do your best. -
ユイ今日がオープンということで、開店前に並ばせて貰いました。 お店の中は、全てカウンター。食券を購入する方式でした。 私が座った席は、カウンターの角の席。 そこには、お箸も小皿も置かれておらず、 隣の席...今日がオープンということで、開店前に並ばせて貰いました。
(Translated by Google)
The store was open today, so we lined up before it opened.
Everything in the store is a counter. The method was to purchase a meal ticket.
The seat I sat at was in the corner of the counter.
There were no chopsticks or small plates placed there.
I only put it in front of the seat next to me.
The customer next to me took my small plate and chopsticks with care, but I was very apologetic.
I would like to be able to arrange it so that it is easy to get a corner seat.
The seafood bowl was delicious, but
The rice was very hard...
Even if you make dashi chazuke later, it will be hard! !
I wish it was a little softer. That's my honest opinion.
If you make dashi chazuke and let it sit for a while, it will be delicious.
The soup stock was so delicious that I ordered a little extra rice.
I took it out on the way home, but when I got home and looked, I saw that the restaurant had salmon on it, but it wasn't on it. . .
It was a little different from the store.
It's a shame.
I would like to take some time and go there again. -